"The Mayor's Table" InSync Adaptive Signal Control Technology
In episode 4 of "The Mayor's Table" Mayor Roberts and City Manager Mayes talk about the traffic light technology used in the East Main...
"The Mayor's Table" - Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Plan
Enjoy episode three of The Mayor's Table covering the Farmington Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Plan. Learn more at the MRA website...
The Mayor's Table - Opening of Fire Station One
Welcome to the second episode of "The Mayor's Table." Mayor Tommy Roberts and City Manager Rob Mayes discuss the construction and...
The Mayor's Table - Municipal Elections
Welcome to the first episode of "The Mayor's Table." Mayor Tommy Roberts and City Manager Rob Mayes discuss Farmington Municipal Elections.
"The Mayor's Table" with Tommy Roberts
Join Farmington Mayor Tommy Roberts on "The Mayor's Table" as he, City Manager Rob Mayes and guests discuss local issues that affect...