2019 Mill Levy Election
"Mill Levy" is a percentage of tax collected from property tax that would go to your local school district. The mill is equal to $1 per...

2019 Highlights from Aztec National Night Out
Engaged citizens, community minded law enforcement, and diligent city leaders create a safe community. Thank you Aztec!! Here are some...

2019 Aztec National Night Out
Chief Mike Heal invites you to National Night Out with Aztec Police Department. This is always a great and free event for the entire family!

APD National Night Out 2018
Be sure to visit the Aztec Police Department as they host their 2018 National Night Out on Tuesday, July 17th at Minium Park in Aztec...

Aztec Police Department National Night Out 2018
Join Aztec Police Department as they host their 2018 National Night Out on Tuesday, July 17th from 5:00 - 7:30 pm at Minium Park in Aztec.