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February 2015

Wellness Campaign

Civility First

Four Corners

Written by Melissa Meechan

Civility First Four Corners

This article is part of a project of the local Community Health Improvement Council (CHIC). CHICs were created statewide in conjunction with the New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) with the goal of getting local citizens and county governments more involved in the manner in which health might be improved in each of their communities. The local CHIC is conducting an on-going awareness campaign addressing all the areas that can potentially affect a person’s health. February has been designated by the CHIC as Civility First Four Corners month.


Civility First Four Corners (CFFC) is a public awareness campaign that kicked off last month after City of Farmington Mayor Tommy Roberts proclaimed 2015 as the Year of Civility First Four Corners. The program is a product of the City of Farmington Community Relations Commission and is built around the notion that by living Civility First we can build a better community.


The purpose of CFFC is to promote community and mutual goodwill while extending a welcoming hand to all who live, work or play in the Four Corners region.  These goals are met through the promotion of the ten traits of civility which are citizenship, compassion, consideration, courtesy, inclusiveness, kindness, respect, responsibility, sincerity and tolerance.


We are all responsible for the quality of our community.  Each day, our choices and attitudes affect ourselves, our friends, family and our community as a whole. Living Civility First will have a positive effect on everyone in our community. Civility is lived every day through our choices and kind gestures.  Your actions are the first step, take time to help others and our community. Sometimes civility is as simple as remembering to say, “Please” and “Thank you.”


Throughout the year, local businesses and organizations will host events themed around Civility First.  Please support these events or host a Civility First event yourself. Civility First, or one of the ten traits, can easily tie into most activities.  Coming together as a community to promote civility will make the biggest difference of all.


Another aspect of CFFC is the Great Service Program which is intended to elevate business and customer appreciation. Part of this program asks local businesses to post our logo on their storefront as a demonstration of their commitment to put Civility First.  The second component is designed to recognize those who go above and beyond in the work they do.  Through our website, you can nominate anyone to be a Great Service Star and you might both win a prize! 


CFFC depends largely on public awareness so one of the most important pieces of the program is getting the message out to the public.  We offer promotional materials that are designed to encourage our community to live Civility First.  We have posters, stickers, brochures, giveaways and more.  If you would like to receive any of these items, or want to participate in the Great Service Program, please email us at, visit our web page at or “like” us at

2015 January 16

KSJE 90.9 FM

The Scott Michlin Morning Program


Interview with

Melissa Mechan

Link to

Civility First Four Corners

Civility First Four Corners was created by the City of Farmington's Community Relations Comission.


Learn more about the Community Relations Commission and the City of Farmington's COMMUNITY page by clicking on the links below.

Link to

Community Relations Commission

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City of Farmington


100 W. Broadway, Farmington, NM, 87401   -   -   (505)419-8939

© 2014 -2024 by Greg Allen and San Juan Safe Communities Initiative.

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