May 2017
Wellness Campaign
Masada House
Written by Jessica Stopani
Director, Masada House
Established in 2011 by Su Hodgman, Masada House provides housing for women in San Juan County and surrounding areas who have achieved sobriety through approved inpatient or outpatient substance abuse treatment.
The mission of the Masada House is to provide people recovering from substance abuse a safe, secure home in which to live and to practice the skills taught to them in treatment, so that they may become productive members of their community.
The vision of the Masada House is to visualize that recovering people will use the home as a daily starting off point. They will learn and practice to use skills in areas such as living, recovery, employment, parenting, educational, relationships, financial management, and spiritual principles. Because they live in a group situation, they will learn and understand that their contribution can make a difference and they do matter as a person and as a member of a community.
At Masada House women can maintain a sober and stable lifestyle while making a safe transition from intensive therapies to the daily realities of independent living. This highly structured and focused program promotes personal responsibility and accountability to others.
Currently this is the only transitional home focusing on recovery from substance abuse in this area. It is a much-needed service in our community. Masada House also provides services to those not in the program such as free clothing to those in need. This is by appointment only. Please contact Jessica Stopani, Director, at 505-360-4672.
Every year Masada House hosts fundraisers to help raise money to benefit its operations. The biggest fundraiser is Music for Masada. This exciting event will be held this year on Saturday, May 20th at the Farmington Civic Center at 6pm.
Music for Masada showcases local musical talent as well as a silent auction. This year’s event is featuring David Mills as the Emcee, members of the Piedra Vista Chamber Choir, Mad Dog 20/20, Amber Swenk, 2 for Tea, Island Style, and Breezin’. Masada House is seeking community members, either individuals or businesses, to sponsor this event. Sponsors of Music for Masada will have their names in the program and on the power point. If you would like to become a sponsor or if you would like to donate an item or service for the silent auction for this year’s upcoming event please call Jessica Stopani at 505-360-4672 or Jeff Boddy at 505-320-7947. As with previous years, there is no admission fee. However, we are accepting suggested donations of $10 at the door. Please join us for a night of fun. This is a family friendly event, bring the kids.
Masada House is a 501c3, not-profit organization governed by a board of business professionals as well as substance abuse and healthcare professionals who live and work in San Juan County.
Monetary donations are accepted in the form of cash or check. Any donation is appreciated and helps Masada House continue to help our community. Mail donations to Masada House, 610 N Dustin Ave. Farmington NM 87401.

2017 May 06
KSJE 90.9 FM
The Scott Michlin Morning Program